About this course:

Holistic Kriya Yoga with Sri Swami Purohit is a monthly course apt for anyone who wishes to take part. No previous experience, or knowledge of yoga, is required. Here are a few things you might like to know before choosing this course...

  • The course format is pre-recorded video so that you can watch as and when you wish. Once purchased, you will have lifetime access.

  • Each month's course contains approximately 8 hours of video content, divided into several videos so that you can watch more comfortably.

  • Each month's course is part seminar and part physical exercises: yoga, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and meditation. Sri Swami Purohit guides you through all the exercises, step by step.

  • For maximum benefit, we recommend you do that physical practice at home each day. Each month's course includes a downloadable PDF file that contains detailed instructions for all the exercises.

  • Although this is a monthly course, each monthly edition can be purchased individually. There is no requirement for you to purchase the whole course in advance. You can purchase whichever months you wish. We do, however, recommend that you follow the date order.

  • Enjoy the course and don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions! Thank you!

Sri Swami Purohit

Course Instructor

Holistic Kriya Yoga online

Aims of this course

Sri Swami Purohit belongs to the same spiritual tradition as Paramahansa Yogananda, the Giri Tradition. In his book, Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda describes the science of Kriya Yoga: "The Sanskrit root of Kriya is kri, to do, to act and react; the same root is found in the word karma, the natural principle of cause and effect. Kriya Yoga is thus ‘union (yoga) with the infinite through a certain action or rite.’ A yogi who faithfully follows its technique is gradually freed from karma or the universal chain of causation.[...] Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which the human blood is decarbonized and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of this extra of this extra oxygen are transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centres. By stopping the accumulation of venous blood, the yogi is able to lessen or prevent the decay of tissues; the advanced yogi transmutes his cells into pure energy. Elijah, Jesus, Kabir and other prophets were past masters in the use of kriya or a similar technique, by which they caused their bodies to dematerialise at will. Kriya is an ancient science. Lahiri Mahasaya received it from his guru, Babaji, who rediscovered and clarified the technique after it had been lost in the Dark Ages. ‘The Kriya Yoga which I am giving to the world through you in the nineteenth century’ Babaji told Lahiri Mahasaya, ‘is a revival of the same science which Krishna gave, millenniums ago, to Arjuna, and which was later known to Patanjali, and to Christ, St.John, St.Paul and other disciples.’" The practice of Kriya Yoga requires a strong body, mind, and emotional capacity. Therefore, the first part of the course has been divided into 3 different modules, each with a duration of 6 months. The second part will dedicate a year to developing a personalized practice and a lifetime spiritual development plan for each student.

Who can do this course?

Holistic Kriya Yoga online is designed for anyone wishing to begin their own journey of growth and personal development. The course is designed so that any one can benefit from it, regardless of age, physical fitness or experience. The aim of Sri Swami Purohit’s teachings is that of spreading physical and mental wellbeing and wisdom to all participants. The only requirement is that of having an open mind and a deep desire to develop one’s maximum potential.

Unique methodology

What makes Sri Swami Purohit's courses so unique?

What makes Sri Swami Purohit’s courses so unique? Sri Swami Purohit is one of the few spiritual masters in the western world capable of transmitting spiritual energy to course participants. In order for true development to take place, first the soul, or inner self, must be awakened. The soul heals the mind, the body and the heart and creates a profound harmony within you and with everything around you. Everything you need is within you: peace, love, wisdom, joy; you just need that connection to be awakened. This is the most important role of the spiritual master and each energy transmission allows us to experience a higher level of consciousness. Over time, and with practice, this enhanced consciousness can become your natural state, giving you the gift of constant peace, joy and fulfilment.

Course content

Module I:

‘THE SCIENCE OF PRANA AND KAYAKALPA’ In this module you will learn special asanas (poses) for the spinal cord, the advanced version of the Sun Salutation exercise, and yoga for the astral body.

Module II:

‘THE SCIENCE OF DIVINE SOUND, MANTRA AND PRAYER’ In the second module you will move to the next level of the mantra, with longer and deeper chanting practices. You will also explore the next level of meditation and concentration practices.

Module III:

‘THE SCIENCE OF DIVINE LIGHT AND KRIYA YOGA’ In the third module of the course you will go deeper into the practice of Kriya Yoga, in order to purify and strengthen the third eye, the heart centre and the nervous system, so that you may store a greater amount of spiritual energy.


Final year of training

We will dedicate the final year of the course to developing a personalized practice and a lifetime spiritual development plan for each student.


This course is not designed to teach you difficult yoga poses or complicated theories. It is a training program to help you develop your own physical and emotional abilities and grow as a person in all areas of life. The aim is that you should enjoy a great and fulfilling life with no limitations. This can be achieved with Sri Swami Purohit’s simple, yet hugely effective, techniques and practices. Anyone can take part in this training program. There are no limitations due to age or physical fitness. All you need is an open mind and the desire to grow and develop as a person. Participants are welcome to take part in person or online. However, we do recommend that you be constant and follow the course each month if you wish to reap the benefits mentioned above. Where possible, we encourage online students to attend a live session at least once in each module. Whichever format you choose, in person or online, this training will require effort and commitment on your part. However, if you complete each edition of the course, and are constant and committed in your practice every day, we guarantee that you will achieve the desired results.

Course curriculum

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    • Videos Kriya Holistic Yoga Course: November 2024: Saturday

    • Videos Holistic Kriya Yoga Course: November 2024 - Sunday

    • Daily Practice Holistic Kriya Yoga November 2024 EXISTING STUDENTS

    • Daily practice Holistic Kriya Yoga November 2024 NEW STUDENTS